Packaging of the wine brand : Saiko

This is a project for an competition named : Gainerie 91. We created a wine brand name Saiko and design its bottle gift's packaging with Weisskopf Adrien.
I hope you enjoy this project.

Research phase

The Mount Fuji, at his bottom the koshu growth

“Are they making wine in Japan ?” From this question we started working on this project and yes, they do with Koshu, a certain type of grape which grows at the bottom of Mount Fuji.

But weak local demand has never highlighted this know-how.
However, some grape varieties such as Koshu are at the origin of quality wines, with a lot of potential according to some professionals like Benjamin Roffet, best Wine-waiter in France 2010.
It is decided, our goal would then be to make Koshu known outside the Japanese borders.

Kirigami examples
Experiments of kirigami for packaging

For the competition, we had to make a gift for VIP customers. So we used the art of Kirigami (The art of folding and cutting paper).

We wanted to use only one sheet to limit the loss in materials.

Testing phase

Experiments of kirigami for packaging on plywood

We used plywood to make wooden experiments because we wanted to re-use the planks from the wine cases.

From this experimentation, we added a fold to put the bottle on it, because it was falling because of the bottle weight.

And we laser engraved the grapes of koshu and the mount Fuji on the next experimentation.

History of the Koshu
Final experimentation with the Japanese wine bottle


Serigraphy of the bottle labels

We created “Saiko”, a new brand for this project. Saiko means in Japanese : “The best” perfect for the luxury side of the brand.

The logo is a kirigami sheet in perspective.

Logo of Saiko without perspective
Final logo of Saiko
Label 01
Label 02

The design of this packaging is also inspired by Japanese screens.

So the customers will be able to display the engraved kirigami or use it to store other bottles.

Saiko wants to revive the Koshu Japanese wine and share its story outside of Japan.

Thank you for reading !